Friday, 26 December 2014

Monday, 22 December 2014

A heart of adoration.

So it's been 2 years since the last post. A month after the previous post, I made the decision to move from Malaysia to Australia, and it's now been more than a year that I've been in Melbourne.

2014 is drawing to an end, and it has been nothing less than magnificent. I knew that my decision to live in Melbourne was part of God's plan for me, but all I knew was just that. That I had to uproot, leave almost everything and everyone who I held dear, and to move here. And I knew it would lead to something even more exciting - I knew the move here was only the first step to a journey which I have felt a calling to, for years.

How many times this year have I found myself crying, in times of fear, desperation, uncertainty - crying out to God for His comfort and presence, and especially for His direction in my life. And boy, has He answered. Those times when I hear people say how they heard His voice, and how He gave them answers when they asked for direction, how He provided when they asked for His help; all those times I wondered whether it was just them making it all up in their heads. To me, God doesn't answer prayers so clearly, much less hearing an audible voice or seeing visions.

But in His mercy, He has answered my prayers in so many different ways, all of which I used to doubt were possible, and I now find myself crying again, but no longer out of desperation. Instead, I cry because I am so so touched by His willingness to show His presence in my life in so many ways. He answers my questions with kindness. He healed my wounds which I never thought were possible to heal! And He is present in every situation, in the world around. I feel unworthy of witnessing such a great and mighty God perform such acts of love, but at the same time I am reminded that He IS Love.

2014 has been great - all the ups and the downs - they were all in my life to prepare me for what's to come in 2015. I am really looking forward to it.